Richard P. Holshouser, Former Social Security Administrator
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- Partin, Patton & Brown, PLLC
- 301 N. Center Street
Statesville, NC 28687 - 704-878-6413
Richard joined Partin, Patton & Brown in July 2013 and provides our customers with extensive knowledge and expertise in all matters related to Social Security Disability, SSI Disability law and claims processing. Before joining the firm, he worked 5 years for Walter Patterson and the law office of Lewis and Patterson, and continues his work with Partin, Patton and Brown after our law firms merged. Richard retired from the Social Security Administration in 2006 after 32 years of experience in the areas of Disability, SSI, Retirement, Survivors, and Medicare claims processing and administration. He worked as a claims representative, advisor on Texas divorce forms and in management in the Shelby and Statesville, North Carolina Social Security field offices.
“What I like most about my work is helping people. Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. I am gratified to help someone find the information they need or if I am able to help someone cut through all the red tape and bureaucracy that is associated with the largest government disability program, and get the benefits they are entitled to. For these reasons, I am glad to be joining Partin, Patton and Brown who share my helping philosophy.”