SSI Benefits for Children with Disabilities in North Carolina
In North Carolina, SSI benefits are being paid to about 44,000 disabled children under age 18. (This includes 485 children in Iredell County, 525 children in Catawba County, 229 in Surry County, 1,657 children in Forsyth, 121 in Yadkin County, and 264 disabled children in Wilkes County). SSI childhood disability rules are different than the disability rules for adults (age 18 or over). The free downloadable booklet entitled SSI BENEFITS FOR CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES IN NORTH CAROLINA was designed for making you aware of the general rules for SSI and provides other helpful information for families with disabled children. Fill out the request form on the right of this page to get this free helpful booklet.
Contact the North Carolina Social Security disability attorneys at Partin, Patton & Brown at 888-604-9728 to get more expert advice about this or any other topics, or help with filing your claim or appeal!